11th International Adventure Therapy Conference - Kerry, Ireland, 2028
Ireland selected to host 11IATC in 2028.
** The 11th International Adventure Therapy Conference (11IATC) will be hosted in Kerry, Ireland in April 2028.**
Every three years, the Adventure Therapy International Committee (ATIC) holds an international conference (IATC) to bring clinical and therapeutic practitioners, educators, and researchers from across the globe to learn, share, and network together. This year the IATC conference will be held in Taiwan, while other previous hosts include Norway, Sydney, and Denver, CO.
Inspired by our experience as presenters at 9IATC in Norway in 2022, we set ourselves the aspirational task of hosting a future IATC in Ireland. The scope and potential of what is on offer to international delegates in our beautiful outdoor blue and green spaces is very exciting. This ambitious project will bring practitioners, stakeholders, and researchers together to support the development of adventure therapy and shine a light on a growing sector within health and social care in Ireland for the future.
Following the Adventure Therapy International Committee’s call for proposals from member countries, a bid to host 11IATC in Ireland in 2028 was prepared and submitted for consideration. Team Ireland’s bid was led by Jasmin Stallard, Operational Director and Outdoor Therapist who met with stakeholders and presented the bid to the committee this week. Philip Stallard, who is Clinical Lead and Adventure Therapist, represents Ireland on the international committee and is the first licenced Certified Clinical Adventure Therapist (CCAT) in Ireland. Philip has been involved with ATIC for many years to promote innovation and international best practice in the research and delivery of adventure therapy.
Ireland’s bid was very well received and unanimously agreed by the committee. This bid was supported from an early stage by Failte Ireland, the Kerry Convention Bureau, and Tralee Chamber Alliance, and will be based at the Munster Technological University (MTU), Kerry North Campus
We are delighted to announce that the 11IATC will be held in Kerry where international research, practice innovation, emerging frameworks, and networking and collaboration will be supported at various MTU facilities, and through experiential learning workshops where delegates will engage with a range of purposeful outdoor and adventure activities that Kerry has to offer.