News & Media

“Adventure isn't hanging on a rope off the side of a mountain. Adventure is an attitude that we must apply to the day to day obstacles of life – facing new challenges, seizing new opportunities, testing our resources against the unknown and in the process, discovering our own unique potential.” - John Amatt


15 Minute Coffee Podcast

“Philip shares how at New Wave Adventure Therapy Wild Project, they tailor each session to meet the person where they are, with no pressure, just openness.

Whether it’s a hike, a surf, or just sitting around a fire, the session follows the lead of the young person.

No rigid plan, no expectations, just space to explore what’s going on in their world and how they’re feeling.

It’s therapy, but without the couch. And it’s making a real difference.”

‘A Wave of Change’ Art Exhibition & Auction

Save the Date - A Wave of Change art exhibition & auction takes place from 2nd July - 2nd August 2024 at the Siamsa Tire Exhibition Hall, Tralee, Co. Kerry.

Opening Night Tuesday 2nd July

Auction Event Friday 26th July

Outwest X New Wave Wild Project Partnership

Outwest Clothing X New Wave Wild Project

We are thriled to announce our partnership for 2024 with Outwest Clothing, an outdoor clothing brand on the Dingle Peninsula.

Rethink Ireland Social Enterprise Start-Up Fund Awardees, 2022

We were delighted to have been named as one of the 20 awardees of this year’s Rethink Ireland’s Social Enterprise Start-Up Fund.

Jasmin travelled to the launch event in Dublin in August and met with some of our fellow awardees to hear about what social enterprises around the country are planning with the support of the resources and funding through this initiative.

We are very excited to be getting some fantastic supports that will help us in planning and developing something exciting for New Wave Wild Project. Watch this space!

Introducing a new project….

Wild Spaces - Walk & Talk Therapy

Jasmin is now running a project of walk and talk therapy in our beautiful green and blue spaces. This project is female-only, one-to-one sessions that run in 6-week blocks.

Contact us on 089-6008185 or for more info.

Funding 2020

We were delighted to receive three funding awards in 2020:


The ESB Energy for Generations Fund provided part funding to support four young people with Wild Water adventure therapy programmes in Kerry.


We were funded to roll out our Begin in the Wild initiative, providing pairs of adventure therapy sessions for 10 young people to access immediate supports with intensive skill sessions in blue and green spaces. This initiative was funded by Bank of Ireland & The Community Foundation of Ireland.


RTE Does Comic Relief generously funded us through their Demand for Digital strand to purchase much-needed technology to support the continuation of our work.

We extend our sincere thanks to those who support our project with funding and organisational support.

Clinically Certified Adventure Therapist (CCAT)

In February 2021, Philip Stallard was proudly awarded his CCAT licence from the Association of Experiential Education (AEE).

Philip was one of the first 20 people to achieve this landmark certification outside the US, and with renewal granted in 2024, Philip remains one of only 3 international CCAT licencees.

We look forward to hearing about future European and Irish recipients in the future.

Podcast episodes

We’ve proudly contributed to some podcast episodes about our background and approach to adventure therapy.

Listen to this episode from A Way to Live Well on Spotify. I speak with the hardworking, nurturing and insightful Jasmin Stallard on this episode. She and her husband Phillip have created an innovative type of therapy session.

Listen to this episode from Tommy's Outdoors on Spotify. The benefits of being outdoors for mental health and wellbeing have been discussed on this podcast many times. Each time you, my listeners, have expressed a great interest in this subject.

Follow the adventure

Check out the latest images and updates through our social media pages on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Intensive Adventure Therapy Skills Training

Intensive Adventure Therapy Skills Training now available in Ireland

Join us in August for our 5 day in-person training! Click the link for more details.

Welcome to our Office

LRM Feature, March 2021

LRM Mar21 WildProject Feature_Page_1.png

Our vehicle is an intregral part of our work and we were thrilled to have been featured in the March 2021 issue of Land Rover Monthly, showcasing the time and effort put in to planning the vehicle and making it a reality.

Contact us for a copy of the feature!

Sunday Business Post, October 2019

Sunday Business Post, October 2019

Social Enterprise Development Fund, Dormant Accounts, 2021

New Wave Adventure Therapy Wild Project CLG  acknowledge, with thanks, the contribution of €1,500 towards roof-tent received from Dormant Accounts Fund, Department of Rural Community &Development, Local Community Development Committee and Kerry County Council through the Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme.